Brand Personality of Streaming Platforms: Netflix Vs Prime Vs Disney+


Turn on, tune in, drop out. For great swathes of 2020, the world’s population was more familiar with the contours of their TV controllers than their own front door handles. But how did this sudden influx of attention affect the way that the streaming giants were viewed worldwide? 


We’ve analysed the public perceptions around Netflix, Amazon Prime Video and Disney+, using the Social Brand Personality Index. 


You can download our full 16-slide presentation, including worksheets, by filling out the form.

This method was pioneered by our in-house research team, combining Jungian archetypes with Jennifer Aaker’s 1997 Brand Personality Dimensions to create a metric that marks how the public perceive a particular brand, identifying it with certain traits and archetypes, and how this can change over time. 


So, what did months of online viewing do to our relationship with these brands?

Using Pulsar’s Social Brand Personality Index, we surface insights around the top streaming services

Download the report