Social Football Report – Fan Engagement in the Premier League 2018/19

5th July 2019

What drives fan engagement on social media? Why do certain football (soccer) teams’ accounts perform better than others? Is there a correlation between events on and off the field and fan engagement on social media?

Over the course of the 2018/19 Premier League season we analysed club performances on social media – studying the engagement rate for every single post on two major social platforms (Twitter & Facebook) week-on-week. We used the results to create an alternative 2018/19 Premier League table, published weekly on our Football Trends Twitter account.

The below moving bar chart shows the progression of each team throughout the season based on their accumulative engagement rates week-on-week.

(you can toggle clubs on/off right above the moving bars to compare their performance)


So what does this tell us about successful fan engagement? Well, for one thing, Wolves have mastered the art of getting engagement from their followers.

But overall, we identified 8 themes that consistently contributed to high levels of fan engagement on social media, across teams. Download the full PDF report below, and discover what they are.