Pulsar launches instant historical data from every public Tweet

12th August 2015

We're excited to announce that Pulsar now offers instant access to nine years' worth of Twitter.

This means the newly integrated Full-Archive Search API now allows you to instantly search for any tweet ever produced, back to the very first one in 2006:


First Twitter tweet

The first ever tweet - it could be in your dataset! 

The social data company Gnip, acquired by Twitter last year, has launched an instant access firehose of Twitter data - the full archive. This means you can broaden your searches and go deeper into the data you pull back.

With this data you can go back in time to see how opinions have changed across different topics, for example:

Compare changes in attitudes towards climate change – do increased patterns of extreme weather correlate with the way people talk about the environment on Twitter?

The LBGT community is now widely accepted around the world with gay marriage being made legal in most of Europe and the Americas.  With the full archive Twitter data we can now go back to 2006 and see how people’s perceptions and opinions on gay marriage differed from now.

Nutritional education has come along way in nine years, with people taking a greater interest in what they eat. Has the way people are talking about obesity changed? With this new data we can see how discussions around health and weight has developed.

Contact our sales team on Info@Pulsarplatform.com to request a demo now!

Gnip social data funnel

What does this mean for Pulsar users?

As per Twitter's blog 'Instant and complete access to every historical public Tweet', the new API allows you to:

  • Inform a new product launch by instantly analyzing nine years of previous launch conversations
  • Create instant real-time Twitter data activity benchmarks for a new advertising campaign based on historical volumes
  • Provide instant historical Tweet insights to new customers of analytics solutions
  • Explore historical Twitter activity for context when responding to customer service inquiries

How does this look on Pulsar?

  • Data volume previews for Historics load pretty much instantly
  • When you run the Historics, Twitter data will appear in your search much faster. Just give us the time to enrich it with our custom topics, sentiment and all the other augmentations we use!
  • Geo-located queries for Twitter data will be only available for realtime searches at first. You can still set Country filters on Twitter historics searches, based on user profile data - you just can't specify that you want only geolocated tweets.

Our customers are now able to delve deeper into Twitter and produce even more valuable insights from nine years' worth of social media buzz, brands and big events. This is a powerful feature and we can't wait to see the outputs that come from having access to this data.

If you want to explore the power of Twitter's Full-Archive Search API, book a demo now by emailing us at Info@Pulsarplatform.com.