How Shelter uses Pulsar to plan content, campaigns and community outreach

24th July 2020


Shelter is a UK-based nonprofit that helps millions of people struggling with homelessness or bad housing through legal aid, personalized advisory services and campaigning for fairer policies. These services are financed by donations and legacies, but also through a network of about 100 charity shops across the UK.

Shelter ends up dividing its time between attracting donations, pressing for policy change and acting as a support network — a balancing act that increasingly hinges on both a deep understanding of the preferences, motivations and behaviors of online audiences. 



In this case study, you will learn: 

  • How Shelter uses Pulsar TRAC to engage with vibrant social conversations on fashion, driving increased footfall and donations to its stores.
  • How the charity’s policy and public affairs team used TRAC to read the nuances of popular opinion surrounding homelessness, and use these to tailor their advocacy campaigns to government. 
  • How Shelter employed Pulsar TRENDS to gauge the level of concern around homelessness and the COVID-19 pandemic, and plan their response accordingly.

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